24 October 2023

A Soldier


What is the meaning of your life?
Is your life meaningless?
It seems so many times
In fact, all the time
But pause for a moment
Step back from your life
Step above your grind
And see the big picture
Then you will realise the truth
You are exactly where you should be
You are doing exactly what you should be doing
This is the best place in the world
This is the best time of your life
You are just an ordinary soldier
But you are a soldier of the Gods
And the Gods have a plan for you
You are walking on Their path
So give every day your 100%
And have faith in the Gods
And Their plan for you . . .

10 October 2023

India's Jobs/Employment Scenario

The Periodic Labour Force Survey's (PLFS) 2022-23 report was released yesterday. PLFS is a very detailed survey about India's jobs/employment scenario. It was started in 2017-18.

The graphs below show the key indicators of India's jobs/employment scenario since 2017-18. This data is important because it shows us the impact of the Covid crisis (2020-22) on the Indian economy.

1. Worker Population Ratio (WPR): This is the ratio of the number of workers to the total population. It is the most important indicator of the jobs/employment scenario. India's WPR has increased from 35% in 2017-18 to 41% in 2022-23. It had decreased in 2021-22 - due to the Covid second wave.

2. The Three Sectors: Agriculture is the biggest sector with around 46% of the workers. Services sector has around 30% of the workers. Industry sector has around 25% of the workers. Services sector has decreased from 32% in 2018-19 to 29% in 2022-23 - due to the Covid crisis.

3. Formal Vs Informal: The formal sector has decreased from 32% (of non-agricultural workers) in 2017-18 to 26% in 2022-23. The informal sector has increased from 68% in 2017-18 to 74% in 2022-23. Thus the Covid crisis has made the Indian economy more informal.

4. Type Of Employment: There are 3 types of employment:
a) Self employed
b) Regular wage/salary
c) Casual labour
Self employed is the biggest category with around 57% of the workers. Casual labourers are around 22% and regular wage/salary workers are around 21%. Self employed workers have increased from 52% in 2017-18 to 57% in 2022-23 due to the Covid crisis.

Conclusion: The total number of workers (WPR) has increased. But the quality of the jobs (industry/services vs agriculture; formal vs informal; regular wage/salary vs self employed / casual labour) has decreased due to the Covid crisis . . . Note: The PLFS year is from July to June (not April to March).