In Dark Knight Rises (2012), Bruce Wayne is imprisoned by Bane in an underground prison - The Pit. There is a provision for the prisoners to escape from the prison by climbing out - with a rope tied to their waist for safety. In the entire history of the prison, not a single prisoner succeeds in climbing out. Every one of them falls during their climb - and the rope protects them from dying. Bruce Wayne also tries to escape in the same way - and meets the same fate. Finally he succeeds in escaping - by climbing out without the rope.
The rope seems to be a good thing - it keeps the prisoners from dying. But it is really a chain that keeps them inside the prison. Our life is full of such ropes. We hang on to them for safety. But they prevent us from escaping from our prisons. To become free, we must let go of the rope and climb out without it. But do we have the courage to do this?