Q: What makes humans different from animals?
A: Culture.
Every group of humans have a system of beliefs and practices - ie, a culture. This culture makes us human. Without it, we are no better than animals.
We are Hindus. Our way of life is Hinduism. This way of life has sustained our civilisation for 5000 years. If we lose our way of life, we will be no better than animals. Islamic/Christian fundamentalism have been waging war on Hinduism for 1000 years and have been trying to destroy it. This war continues even today.
Today is Vijay Dashami - the day Goddess Durga killed Mahishasura. It is the victory of Dharma over Adharma, of good over evil. On this sacred occasion, let us vow to fight for Hinduism and against anti-Hinduism in our own humble way. Let us preserve our 5000-year-old way of life - and remain humans.
Sanatana Hindu Dharma ki jai!